Sounds all too familiar!
||| Sounds all too familiar! Outstanding! What an excellent night – moving presentations, great speeches, a real sharing of thoughts, aroha and respect. Thank you Judge Tremewan, Kaumatua Piripi, NZ Police Luke, Mark and Tim, presenters Rachelle, Maria, Brenton, Katrina and of course SCU Karl – thank you for making this a special occasion for all of us – your skill, expertise, care and presence is both recognised and appreciated by all concerned. The video interviews revealed a group that have experienced considerable change to all aspects of their lives; an appreciation for what they have experienced; an absolute awareness of the consequences of their actions; and an acute knowledge of the importance and relevance of Police, Courts, St John and Fire; and most importantly a realisation that choices and decisions are for them as individuals to make and all of them stated that these choices would all be for the better in the future. A huge THANK YOU to all who took part in this programme. From your combined efforts you have all had a significant impact on changing the lives of these young people and, in turn, the safety of all of in Aotearoa. This brings the total to fourteen deaths in the last two weeks – 11 of those killed have been aged between 15 and 25. Incredibly sad, tragic and heartbreaking for everyone associated with each and every situation.
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