
The following are excerpts from letters of support for The Right Track programme by key personnel involved in youth justice in New Zealand. Click on the link below the excerpt to read the full letter of support. Feedback and comments given by the participants who have completed the programme can be read on the participants page here.

 Lisa Tremewan, David Mather, Heemi Taumaunu, Phil Recordon
Youth, Family and District Court Judges, Waitakere District Court

“As judges sitting in the Waitakere District Court on a daily basis we are very frustrated by the repeat offending we see. In terms of traffic offending, often this is committed by young recidivists. They pose a very real and significant risk to the lives of other road users, with all of the potentially devastating flow on effects that this has. Research and statistics demonstrate that punishment alone does not necessarily achieve what is desired in encouraging such offenders to change their behaviours. One cannot put “wise heads” on  “young shoulders’  however requiring young offenders to complete The Right Track programme has proved to be the next best thing.”

“We head about the programme a couple of years ago and some limited funding was able to be secured to enable the programme to be run through our court for approximately one year. This has made such a huge impact. Indeed, we judges have been able to personally witness the enormous changes made among those referred. We believe in the programme so wholeheartedly that we endeavour to attend some sessions ourselves where possible. It is satisfying for us to see, first hand, the impact that the programme has.”

See the full testimonial here – Waitakere Youth and District Court Judges Support


A J FitzGerald
District, Youth and Family Court Judge

” Although the theme and focus of the programme is on driving-related safety, the lessons it teaches go well beyond that by promoting attitudes that are relevant to being good and responsible members of the community. The improvement in self-confidence and respectful attitudes towards others over the course of the programme were other noticeable benefits.”

“There are obvious benefits to the community in having programmes for young people that really can make a positive difference in their lives and reduce the risk of them making poor choices.”

See the full testimonial here – Letter of Support Judge Tony Fitzgerald  


Inspector Gary Davey
Area Commander, Waitaker, Waitemata Police.

“The reason I am so supportive of Right Track is that I have seen first hand the difference the programme has made in the attendees and the support people. I have also seen the programme affect the attendees family and friends. It truly is a transformational programme.”

“The statistics also support the success of the programme, with little or no traffic re-offending by attendees in the year following the programme. This is remarkable.”

See the full testimonial here – Letter of Support – Inspector Gary Davey, NZ Police 


Peter Alexander
Manager, Waitakere City Youth Justice

“This programme deals with a range of young people from all walks of life who have been charged with drink driving, driving dangerously etc. The programme content has a significant impact on the young people and their families and real changes in the young people are clearly seen throughout the programme.”

See the full testimonial here – Letter of support Pete Alexander, Waitakere City Youth Justice