Three Dead Tragedy

A young woman – 17 years old – and two innocent children taken from thiois wold! The Kumeu Brigade had to attend and it must have been dreadful. Kia kaha Simon and the team.



Save your mates

We all agree – don’t we?



Auckland March

Morning everyone

We had an excellent day out at Huia yesterday – good weather, good people, good interaction and an enormous amount of excellent learning. I am always intrigued by the fact that these young people and their families have either had no experience or have bad experiences with ‘team work’ in the past as they all comment on how refreshing or rewarding or how they have been introduced to the concept and positive experience of ‘team work’. What have we done as an education community with our people that there appears, from our experience in the Right Track, to be very little value placed upon this extremely important commodity? Anyway, enough of the deep philosophical banter – what about today? It was an excellent day; unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, three of the participants were unavailable, but for those that remained this was an excellent, day. Thank you Brenton, not only for your undoubted expertise, but also for putting up with me all day, and thank you to Waitai and Hakkar who were brilliant with their support, catering, mentoring of the other young men and general helpfulness.

The Evaluations reveal a clear understanding of the learning and a willingness not only to learn but to appreciate the learning taking place by the entire group as we slowly meld into a harmonious unit. The rafts were excellent, but more importantly was the team work and planning that went into the build and successful completion of task. The singing of “row, row, row your boat” and other associated nautical ditties was well received and another ‘first’ for the programme.

Thanks everyone.


News Today

One day I will pick up the newspaper and there won’t be any road related tragedy – Goodness gracious, I sound like a Tui Ad!!!