Waitakere November

Hi everyone,

The November Waitakere Programme is underway with a great welcome last night:

Thank you Waitakere District Court, Kaumatua Piripi, Judge Tremewan, Jo Fergusson, Bridie Murphy, Clifford, John, Louis and everyone else involved including Ian and Kevin from NZ Police and of course Gary and Jack for all the help. The whakatau was welcoming, the tour through the cells (including the surprise package in one of them) memorable and the sentencing riveting; the experience reached different learners in different ways and the entirety was both successful and effective.

Some of the standout learner comments are:

It made me think about choices that I’ve made in the past, choices that I can still make to be safe on the road.”

Heaps! What am I doing here? Why am I here? Was doing heaps of self reflection as to the bad choices I have made.”

“That if you like choices then don’t be in court because you don’t have choices once you are in the system”

…and just something for you Judge Tremewan from one learner…” mihi whakatau to reka o tona reo. Ha mihi hoki ki a ia, a koptou o te ara tutuki pai e whakataina tenei kaupapa rangatira”

The interviews were interesting and revealed a group that is open to change and ready to learn – welcome to the journey!

Next session Saturday starting at 08.00am at Henderson Police Station – The Ripple Effect.



Hamilton Graduation

Good morning – How apt that today is ANZAC day – “Lest we forget” – let us all hope that our young people attending the Hamilton programme never forget what they have experienced!Graduation was attended by all the learners and supporters, NZ Police, St John Ambulance, Judge Cocurillo, Community Magistrates, Deputy Mayor Gordon Chesterman, Hamilton City Council Councillors and Staff, Hamilton District Court Staff, friends and family – thank you all for being their and supporting the ‘cause’

 Well what a great night – the learners spoke so well and shared personal stories with confidence and poise, it is always so rewarding for all those involved in the programme, and there are many, to hear and read what the young ones have to say. The video interviews revealed an honesty that was devoid from most in Session 1 and a true willingness to go out and make a difference to their communities. Thank you so much to the supporters who were incredibly consistent during the entire programme and thank you to you for the beautiful gift and kind words that were very humbling to receive.

 Thank you Hamilton City Council for funding the programme, making facilities available and supporting what is a life changing programme, your leadership is greatly appreciated.

 Remember to keep in touch with the Right Track Blog or the Right Track Graduates Facebook.



Hamilton Graduation

Well first of all I would like to say a huge congratulations to everybody standing up here tonight! First of all I would like to say a huge Thank you to everybody involved in this course. But now I have my own little story I would like to share from a child’s perspective on growing up with a mother with head injuries. During our last session on Wednesday I couldn’t help myself but break down for more reasons than one. Viewing images listening and seeing the presenter brought back some sad and deeply upsetting memories I have of my own mum. When she was 16 years old and in the process of completing her apprenticeship as one ofNew Zealand’s best up and coming jockeys her career was brought to a sad and dramatic end as she fell during a race and suffered numerous injuries that threatened to end her life. She was put into an induced coma for 6 weeks, and still to this day she suffers from loss of sight and smell, and also has to live with daily migraines and pain throughout her whole body. It’s sad and hugely upsetting for myself and everybody in my family to see such a amazing and kind person have to go through this. The reason why I have shared this with you all tonight is when I spoke with the presenter he made one point sink in. “Family is everything they are with you through thick and thin, you only get one chance at life with them when it’s gone you can’t start again.” When ever I get into a car from now on, and for the rest of my life, I need to, for my own reassurance, know that this decision will not put my loved ones through a tragic experience again where they could possibly lose me. This course has brought me closer to my family and friends, along with showing me the impacts of speeding, lack of attention and driving under the influence can cause. I hope every single participant and support person has taken away something from this right track course! And one again from the bottom of my heart thank you all for changing my life and the Hamilton City Council who have funded this experience, and a warm hearted thanks to all the motivational speakers who have shared their experiences with us! Well done everyone.

Hamilton Graduation

Hamilton Right Track Graduation – A parents perspective/speech.
Good evening, My name is Warren, I am Michael’s dad, best mate and support person.
A month ago eighteen lost souls met for the first time on the steps of the Hamilton Courthouse; during the course of this programme I have seen those eithteen develop and become knowledgeable young adults.
Along this journey there have been moments of l…aughter, moments of tears, but mostly moments of realism and accountability.
I think these same eighteen are leaving here tonight with a greater understanding of what the consequences are of making the wrong decisions in life, what it will mean in their future, not only for themselves but for those around them.
To all you young people here tonight, I want you to ask yourself this…. when you go back to the court to complete your sentencing, and you’re standing in the dock, think to yourself… I shouldn’t be here… I won’t ever be here again…. this is not who i am…. now I am on the Right Track.
Thank you