The Blog is alive and well – be good to hear from interested parties. It has been an excellent year with life changing programmes in Auckland City, Waitakere, Manukau and Hamilton. The “Blog” will now feature up to date items from national and international media and hopefully keep everyone informed and interested.

Learners Speech Hamilton April 2014

Right Track

John, Helen, Paul, my mum Caron, our distinguished guests, my Right Track friends and all our families, thank you all for being here.  My name is Tyler and although I’m normally not that comfortable standing in front of a crowd, tonight’s different. It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to acknowledge every one of you for believing in me enough to provide tools and experiences that have completely changed my attitude to impaired driving.

I am guilty of driving while drunk. Yes I believed there were stupider things to do – even if it was a very short list. I personally made this choice and immediately, began to suffer the consequences. I say “suffer” because I believed that’s what it was. I was “persuasively encouraged” to attend the Right Track course by the judge at my initial hearing and, although my license wasn’t surrendered, 10 weeks of traveling to Hamilton with my mum to be told all the reasons why – as a repeat criminal, I was an idiot, definitely wasn’t something I was looking forward to. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Over the past ten weeks, every weekly session has had an indescribable impact on what I want for my future. We have met some incredibly inspiring people, faced the horrendous sadness and sorrow of lives changed or cut short, the reality of so many professionals facing completely avoidable devastation in their everyday life – and even worse, the ripple effect every incident creates. It takes over 8,000 bolts to assemble a vehicle – and just one nut to scatter it all over the road. I am so thankful that I have been lucky enough not to be that nut.

Going forward – post Right Track, John’s hard case mannerism’s, Helen’s “very important looking” clipboard, six foot tall Paul’s lame jokes, Dean’s opening karakea’s, the teamwork, camaraderie and support of everyone here will never be forgotten – even if it is sometimes while laughing! My biggest lesson however, came from Tamati Paul when he said “Please, please, please take care not to shatter my dreams of your future.”

Unto whom is given, much is expected” (thanks Paul – very profound!). With all that I am as I stand in front of you all, I hope Tamati’s words never leave my head.

In closing, and summing up all kinds of impaired driving, this bumper sticker caught my eye: “Toot if you love God – text if you want to meet him.”

Thank you.

Waitakere Programme February Session 2

Yes I know it’s Saturday night and that I am compiling the Evaluations!!! I must get a life!

What an excellent group of learners and supporters; they were actively involved from the start of the day and remained attentive and interested throughout despite it being a hot humid day – a further testament to the marvellous presenters who came and shared their time and experiences today!

Paul from SCU ( a Trakker from way back) had not lost any of his skill and enthusiasm in sharing his expertise; Rachelle was in great form; Tim was superbly honest and open; andGarywas the star of the day; thank you everyone for making this a memorable day in the lives of those that were there. A big thanks to John “the golfer” for giving his time today to come and assist with the programme management and especially to Constable Marty for sharing his day and to Henderson Police Station once again for letting us use the facility.

The Evaluations reveal a connected, genuine group who are already involved in the experience. There is a seamlessness between learner and supporter which aids with the process and I am looking forward to a very successful programme. Some of the comments suggest that the information garnered today will be put into action immediately, it will be interesting to discuss with the participants their experiences as the programme evolves.

Next session is with the Kumeu Volunteer Fire Brigade team at Kumeu on Wednesday starting at 7.00pm – see you there.

Welcome to 2014 Trackers!!

Yes 2014 has arrived and we are well underway with our planning and preparation for potentially 15 programmes. This promises to be an exciting, full on year and I would just like to say THANK YOU to all the funders so far – The Trusts Charitable Foundation, Waitakere & Portage Licensing Trusts, ASB Community Trust, Lion Foundation, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice Department of Corrections Probation Service, Child Youth and Family, Auckland Transport, The Braveheart Youth Trust and Hamilton City Council.

I would also like to say a huge thanks to all the amazing presenters, you know who you are Chris, Erin, Tim, Caroline, Rachel, Maria, Gary, Tamati, Brenton, Sooty, Simon, Kumeu Fire Brigade, St John Ambulance, Tavite and the Actors, Alf, Martin, Roz, Paul & Mahinarangi, Lisa, Tony, David, Denise, Anna, Noel and all those wonderful people at Waitakere/Auckland/ North Shore/Manukau/Hamilton  District Courts and of course those brilliant organisations including NZ POLICE, NZ FIRE SERVICE, WILLIAMS FUNERAL SERVICES, SOUTHERN DISTRICTS TOWING, WILLIAMS SALVAGE, WAIKATO DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD, AUCKLAND SPINAL UNIT and EVERYONE else that contributes to the team!!!!

Here’s looking forward to another great year!!
