Auto Draft

YES We are in Hamilton!!!!!
Started Tuesday last week and did Session 2 on Saturday – Excellent!!!
Come to the Cambridge Volunteer Fire Brigade on Thursday for Session 3!!!

Auckland August Programme

We are now four sessions in to the August Programme and it’s great to see the amazing changes that the young people are experiencing. The Risk management session last saturday certainly takes people out of their comfort zone and gets them to communicate and hear each other, otherwise they don’t get the tasks completed. This has been the turning point for the group and we all look forward to great success during the next three sessions.

So disappointing to continue to read about the carnage on New Zealand roads in the press last week. Just a reality check, since the start of this programme there have been five, 16-25 year olds killed on the roads – TRAGIC!!!!

Read the NZ Herald link here:

A Right Track Graduate's perspective

“I came into the ryt track programe not knowing wat i was in for, i knew i had to change my ways ov driving on the road and i was willing to do wateva it takes to make that change.
From the first session to the last i had a feeling that it was goin to b straight to the point
so many times through out this programe i hav bn blown away of what we are truly capable of when behind the wheel of a vehicle not just to yourself but everyone else out the on tha road
many times this made me think alot of what i hav done in the past an wat i needed to do in order to change my ways
its all about making choices “the right choices”
i now hav bn aiming to make gud choices an so far i think i hav bn doin gud
i hav so much respect
4 the  amazing people i met
i am so thankful for having the chance to attend an complete this programe
an thank you to everyone that has takn time out of your lives to be here with us
much appreciated
it has bn a huge eye opener an i hav learnt so much that i will take away with me an share with friends an family
i now kno the person i want to be an the choices i am goin to make
this is where im goin to make the right choices
thank you”

High Risk Drivers

Welcome to The Right Track latest news and blog! This is the first blog.

A report just released by the Transport Minister shows clearly what we at The Right Track have known all along – that high risk drivers cause a significant amount of the carnage and problems on New Zealand roads. One in three deaths on our roads are caused by drivers who are – unlicensed and disqualified, repeat speeding and drink driving offenders. 642 deaths occured on our roads between 2005 and 2009  where these high risk drivers were at fault.

New Zealand has yet to recognise the enormity of the problem and act accordingly. World wide billions of dollars are spent in this arena and, according to the statistics available, few of the interventions have a long term effect! The Right Track, a totally NZ initiative, is proven to have an incredible life changing effect on this high risk group. According to the NZ Police Statistics, available on this website, in excess of 80% of those attending the programme have not reoffended over a four year period!!!

I wonder when Mr Joyce et al in government will decide to fund this initiative? Should they?

Read the Ministry of Transport report here or read the NZ Herald article here.